Analyzing Webtexts

Spencer’s Project 2: Link is broken

Marcus’ Project 2:  When first viewing Marcus’ project, I felt that he was very successful in drawing in the reader.  The alignment of the main home page flows in away that makes the webpage look organized.  I feel the navigation bar containing the five examples of web texts is a very organized way to layout the information.  However, Marcus did not use color to his advantage.  Although he used a dark background with light writing to make it easier for the viewer to read and shows a good use of contrast, those are the only two colors he used on the whole cite. As I continued onto his different web text tabs, I realized that the alignment is not as consistent as it could be.  The text on the website is not always in line and parallel, some lines go much further to the right than others.  Also, the whole page does not auto fit to my screen and I need to scroll over to the right in order to view the other tabs.  Overall, thought for the intended audience, the page was successful.   I thought Marcus’ page was easy to navigate and organized, but I thought it could use more color and better alignment. 

Shannon’s Project 2: The first thing that I noticed when going onto Shannon’s webpage was the use of color and contrast.  I liked how she used a picture for the background but used a black sheer box over it to soften.  Then, she pulled the colors from the skyline and used a purple title.  I do not like how Shannon did not give a preface to her project like Marcus did on his home page.  To take the audience into consideration I feel that a preface would be more persuasive.  The alignment of the five web texts that were chosen made for an organized feel.  All of the text is centered and makes it easy for the viewer to follow along.  However, there is only one page, and if Shannon had separated her five web texts into separate tabs, it could have been more effective.  However, because the intended audience is the class/professor, I feel she can still achieve success with her layout.  Overall, I liked the way Shannon used color and her webpage but could have been more successful with a navigation bar and tabs. 


My Project 2: In regards to my own webpage for project two, I want to use a navigation bar to separate my five web texts.  I feel this made it so that the viewer is not completely overwhelmed having a lot of text on one page.  I also want to use much more color than these two webpage’s used.  I think that color is very important in regards to rhetoric.  Also, I want to ensure that my alignment will fit all computer screens and all the text is aligned in the correct manner. 

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